
I am currently a research scientist at Facebook AI Research (FAIR) working on Natural Language Processing (NLP). I earned my Ph.D. degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) with Natural Language Processing as my research area. My research interest lies in language representation learning and text generation. I am lucky to be advised by my Ph.D. advisors Prof. Pramod Viswanath and Prof. Suma Bhat. Prior to my graduate study at UIUC, I got my Bachelor’s degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China, where I was in IEEE pilot class and advised by Prof. Xinbing Wang.

Recent News

  • 2023.07 Blogs related to speech language models.

  • 2023.05 Two papers got accepted by ACL.

  • 2023.04 Our paper got accepted by ICML.

  • 2023.02 Three papers got accepted by ICASSP.